All posts filed under: Technology

Create your virtual local domain names

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hosts file screen shot

You have any kind of web server application that runs on your local machine and you need to have local domains that works on that web server to create accessible virtual hosts locally. The secret here is found in almost any operating system file called hosts file. It has the same name in almost all OSs i.e. hosts without any extension. However the path in which that file does exist is varied. For example, in […]

Freemyip dynamic DNS Python updater

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Technology is a free dynamic DNS service that does not need either any registration nor user account to maintain dynamic DNS based sub domain name such as The validation of the domain ownership is based on an access token that should be kept safe in order to update the sub domain with your computer’s public IP. I have written a simple Python3 script that allows the sub domains owner, to update the IP easily, […]