Your computer’s account password is very important point in order to make your system safe and secured. Here, I will not dive into the technical importance of having strong password for your user account on your computer, but I will give you a hint about it.
The user’s account password should be strong and it should be easy to be written as well, specially, if you are using Linux based operating system in which the using of the password may be needed more than once during the session.
The golden hint that I have, is to draw keyboard patterns linked to a small digit through a special characters. For example, qweszxc*744, the qweszxc is the drawing of Z character on the keyboard. Another one 512-cdertgbv.
Using a password meter application, will show you that the examples above are strong passwords. Indeed, they are not very strong, but we need something quick written and memorable, hence just strong password is fine for your desktop or laptop. However, if you would it to be stronger, just an Upper case character will get it.